21 August 2005

Really Minimalist Living

For years I've hated my living room furniture. It was passed along from someone else who also hated it. (Read: used.) Although it provided adequate seating, it was a hideous, teal/peach/pink, 1980's Florida hotel-type, plaid affair. Over the three years I had custody of it,despite vacuumming, the loveseat and couch accumulated more total pet hair than is actually on both of my dogs.

A couple of weeks ago, my significant other learned of a newly divorced person who desperately needed a couch. With mixed feelings, I sent both pieces off to their new home, accompanied by my lone coffee table. Now, we have no furniture. Not one place to sit down in the living room. I did manage to keep an old end table for my keys and sunglasses, but that is all.

In retrospect, I realize that this was, shall we say, a little hasty. Why? Because St. Louis does not have an IKEA store. And IKEA is truly the only place where I loved the furniture lines unconditionally. So now we must live, sans sofa, until I can accumulate not only enough green to purchase all new furniture but also enough to rent a huge truck, drive to Chicago, spend the day shopping, crash for some sleep and get it all home safely.

Boys and girls, this is what is known as "poor planning."